November 2018 Meeting


Our November meeting will be Monday November 19, 2018 at the ACME store located at 1474 North Main Street, North Canton. ACME is in the same shopping area as Ollie’s across from McDonald’s fast food. Suggested entrance is on the North side (facing Main Street) doorways. Veer left as you enter the store and proceed to the back where you will see a glass sided meeting room. The store Manager and security is aware that we will be carrying in boxes/containers of our models. Meetings start at are usual time of 6:30 PM. Be aware that no food or drink is allowed to be brought into the store facility. Hope to see you there.

Notice: Chapter/Charter renewal for IPMS USA is coming soon. Please check your IPMS USA membership card for your renewal date and give that information to Larry McMillan at the meeting. We need this information to submit for our Chapter Charter renewal for 2019.

Nominations for Chapter Officers – President, Vice President, Recording Sec. and Treasurer will be held this month!

Start thinking about themes for 2019 monthly meeting contests! Discussions on Themes for contests in 2019. Have your suggestions/ideas ready to present to membership.

The next contest theme for 2018 currently is:


November – ‘Vietnam’ by member Larry Davis

December – Medical Evacuation Veh/Aircraft by member Dave Blankenship
December meeting is also Christmas celebration, club will provide Pizza and Sodas.

Non-Theme Contests
There is a non-theme contest every month, whether or not a theme contest is planned. So bring whatever you’ve got and let’s fill up those tables!
Upcoming Demos
None scheduled.

If you would like to present a demo, or if you have a demo subject you would like to see presented, talk to one of the officers at the meeting. Odds are, many of the rest of us would be interested, also!
Our web site needs content! Send your photos and other items of interest to John Shimek: Check out the site at .
Hope to see you there and if you have a friend or young one interested in the hobby, bring them along.


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