IPMS Fame Cities - Canton / Akron Ohio Blog

July 2010 Meeting

Just a reminder to mark your calendar for our next meeting, which will be held at 6:30p on Monday, July 19th, 2010.  We hope to see all our members there, as well as some...

Welcome to the New Site

As you can see, Fame Cities has a new website.  Our new site has been designed with interactivity in mind, and features threaded commenting on many of the posts, photo galleries, and articles.  To...

iPhone Optimized

Famecities.com is now optimized for use on your touch-screen mobile device.  iPhone, Droid, and Palm Pre visitors who arrive at the site via their mobile device will be presented with an optimized version of...

Airco DH-2

Mark Smith presents his Eduard 1/72nd scale Airco DH-2 “Pusher”.  Mark built his Airco largely out-of-the-box, and achieved the complex rigging using fine ceramic rod. The Airco DH.2 was a single-seat biplane “pusher” aircraft which operated...

Aichi D3A1 Val

Jerry Royer’s 1/48 scale Hasegawa D3A1 Val carrier attack plane.  Jerry built his dive bomber out-of-the-box, created paint masks from the kit decals, and painted the markings on. Jerry chose to model Lieutenant Commander...