October 16, 2023 Meeting

A few words from President Dave Ball –
Hey guys,
Just a quick reminder about the monthly meeting this coming Monday Oct 16 at Simpson United Methodist Church at 6:30.
The theme this month is “anything figures” and of course we have the non-theme contest as well.
If you have any questions, please let me know. Thanks
If you would like to present a demo, or if you have a demo subject you would like to see presented, talk to one of the officers at the meeting. Odds are, many of the rest of us would be interested, also!
Our web site needs content! Send your photos and other items of interest to John Shimek: jjshimek@yahoo.com. Check out the site at https://www.famecities.com .
Hope to see you there and if you have a friend or young one interested in the hobby, bring them along.

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