First Meeting for 2021 is Here!!!
Just received a call today from V.P. Dave Ball that the church has opened back up for our meetings with the understanding that we will social distance and be masked up. Dave has suggested that we meet this coming Monday March 22 at 6:30 PM at the church. I have agreed and this is the formal notice.
Member Larry Davis has offered a suggestion that our first meeting not contain any theme or non theme contest but a show and tell on models we have been working on during our regular meeting absence through out most of 2020 and current 2021. Sounds like a good idea to me.
We will have a lot of business to discuss – monthly contest themes for the remainder of the year (D. Ball has requested to do his normal ‘Revell/Monogram pre 2000 manufacture date’ for April), Officer nominations for 2021, general news within the modeling industry to name a few.
I am aware that some of our membership has already started on the Covid Vaccine regimen with at least the first shot for either Phizer or Moderna vaccines and possibly the J&J 1 shot vaccine but it is still recommended that masks be worn by all according to CDC guidelines let alone the hosting Church’s for our meetings.
So that being said hope to see many of you there Monday March 22 at 6:30PM.
IPMS FameCities/ Ed Kinney Chapter
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