October 2013 Meeting
Our October 2013 meeting will be at the Cutler Realty on Monday, October 21 at 6:30 p.m. Our normal monthly business/topics will be discussed.
This month we will have a contest theme “Animalistic”– Model + Animal Theme sponsored by member Rick Slagle. The entry must include an animal or be named for an animal, i.e., Vipers, Mustangs, Impalas, Warthogs, etc., or can be represented by decals on build. As usual, there will also be a non-theme contest held as well.
Hope to see you there and if you know someone interested in the hobby, invite them along.
The November meeting will also have a theme contest – Anything Civilian, Any Era – Any Scale – to include in military markings if so used, sponsored by member Larry Davis.
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