January 2011 Meeting
Our January meeting will be at the Cutler Realty on Monday January 17 at 6:30 p.m. The new officers elected at the December meeting will start their 2 year terms at this meeting, President John Shimek, Vice President Steve Dottavio, Treasurer Joe Stautd, Recording Secretary Rick Slagle and Chapter Contat Ken Patterson Jr. We hope to see all our members there as well as some new faces.
The club would like to send a heartfelt Thank You out to the past officers President Larry Davis and Vice President Kevin Hess for a job well done. The same goes for our Treasurer Joe Staudt, Recording Secretary Rick Slagle and Chapter Contact Ken Patterson Jr., who are also being retained in their current positions. Thanks Guys !
A good time and good food was had by all at last months Christmas Party and we have had some new faces the last few months attend our meetings.
Hope to see you there and if you know someone interested in the hobby, invite them along.
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