Zombie Apocalypses Attack Chopper
Below is the write up from member Chris Vandergrift :
So my Zombie apocalypse thread featuring a police helicopter generated a bunch of photoshop pics of “speed controlled by aircraft”, and then when I saw our local IPMS show, Blizzcon in Columbus OH, had a Best Ohio Theme award I took the build off the reservation and turned it into an Ohio State Highway Patrol aircraft. What a blast!
The paint scheme is loosely based off an existing OSHP helicopter with my own flare for the lines of the Viper. Citadel primer for all the black, Vallejo Silver over that, and an MCW gloss coat to finish it off. Just a little light weathering on the stub wings, boom, and tail. The whole model is built straight out of box. I made my own masks and decals. Werner Wings stencils leftover from a past build. This model is a dream to assemble for sure! I also did my own take on the chalk markings for the Hellfires, thinking about what the guys in the Patrol would target

Nice job Chris !!!! Enjoy !

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