Bylaws for the IPMS/Fame Cities Chapter
Article I: NAME
This organization shall be known as the Famer Cities Chapter of IPMS/USA,
and is hereinafter referred to as FC.
Section 1: Policies
The policies of FC are to be established and enforced by the Executive Board of FC representing the general membership.
Section 2: Objectives
The objectives of FC shall be to encourage participation in the hobby of modeling through the use of clinics, contests, exhibits, lectures, historical research and other
worthy means, and to recruit and regulate membership in FC. FC may raise, use and invest funds by lawful means to support the activities of FC, provided that none of the income of FC inures to the private profit of any of its members.
Section 3: Charter
FC will be a chartered chapter of the International Plastic Modelers Society of the USA, hereinafter referred to as IPMS/USA.
Section 1: Membership Eligibility
Membership in FC is open to all persons regardless of race, sex, ethnic origin or age, so long as the person requesting membership abides by the guidelines, policies and objectives of FC.
Section 2: Classification of Members
Membership will be designated according to the class that best defines the applicant.
A. Adult membership: Available to anyone 18 years of age or older who pays the yearly dues ($12 per year) designated by the FC Executive Board, and is in good standing with regard to Article III, Section 1 of these bylaws. Adult membership entitles such person to an FC membership card, FC newsletter; participation in FC sponsored contests, clinics, exhibits, lectures and/or other FC activities, and one vote for the FC Executive Board officers.
B. Junior Membership: Available to anyone 17 years of age or younger who pays the yearly dues ($6 per year) designated by the FC Executive Board, and is in good standing with regard to Article III, Section 1 of these bylaws. Adult membership entitles such person to an FC membership card, FC newsletter, participation in FC sponsored contests, clinics, exhibits, lectures and/or other FC activities, and one vote, under the direct supervision of their parent or legal guardian, for the FC Executive Board officers.
Section 3: Admission Procedures for New Members
Applicants for membership shall submit dues to the FC Secretary as designated by Article III, Section 2.
Section 4: Renewal of Membership
Renewal of membership shall follow the same procedure as found in Article III, Section 3, no later than one month after the expiration of membership. All privileges shall be suspended, including, but not limited to, receipt of newsletter and participation in contests, after the one month grace period expires.
Section 1: Executive Board Positions
The Executive Board shall consist of the following elected officers, from the body of membership, as voted on by the general membership of FC: President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. The following positions are appointed by the President, with approval by the Executive Board: Newsletter Editor, Web Master, Chapter Contact, and Contest Chairman. All elected Executive Board positions have a term of office of 24 months.
Section 2: Qualifications for Executive Board Positions
In order for a FC member to be considered for election to a position on the Executive Board, they must meet the following criteria:
A. Must be a current adult member in good standing of FC.
B. Pursuant to IPMS/USA requirements, the President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer must be a current member in good standing of IPMS/USA.
Section: 1Eligibility to Vote
All FC members in good standing are eligible to vote as specified in Article III of these bylaws.
Section: 2 Nominations of Candidates
The candidates for FC Executive Board officers, specifically, President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer shall be nominated by any FC adult member during the bi-annual nomination meeting.
Section 3: Nominations Meeting
The bi-annual nominations meeting shall be the FC general meeting in November of the year in which the 2 year office term will end.
The annual nomination meeting shall be the FC general meeting in November of each year.
Section 4: Election of Officers
Officers shall be elected by ballot of the FC membership at the December meeting, following the November nominations meeting. The December meeting is designated as the election meeting. The new Executive Board officers shall be determined by a majority vote (51% or greater). Absentee ballots will be placed in the FC Newsletter prior to the election meeting. Any valid Ballot received by the Secretary prior to the meeting will be counted. All ballots must include the name of the voting member. Ballots shall be tallied by at least two current Executive Board members and the results will be announced at the election meeting.
Section 1: President
A. The President shall preside over all FC Executive Board meetings, as well as, general meetings.
B. After counseling with the Executive Board members and having been given input from the general membership, the President shall determine the calendar of general meetings, and events to take place including, but not limited to, contests, clinics, lectures, etc., if any, that will be presented at each meeting.
C. The President shall be responsible for maintaining the positions of Newsletter Editor, Web master, Chapter Contact, and Contest Chairman as necessary.
D. With the Executive Board members, the President shall review The FC Bylaws annually, placing them into effect for the term of office.
E. The President may delegate any additional responsibilities, such as chairing a committee, to any Executive Board member or any general member(s).
F. The president shall cast the tie breaking vote in the case of any ties within the Executive Board.
G. The President shall cast the tie breaking vote in the case of any ties on motions from the floor at any general meeting.
Section 2: Vice President
A. In the absence of the President, the Vice president shall preside over all FC Executive Board meetings, as well as, all FC general meetings.
B. The Vice President shall advise the President in determining the calendar of general meetings, and events to take place, including, but not limited to, contests, clinics, lectures, etc., if any, that will be presented at each meeting.
C. The FC Vice President shall act as the Public Relations Officer of FC, and is responsible for the public affairs in the community. Such responsibility may be delegated to any FC member upon approval of the Executive Board.
Section 3: Secretary
A. The Secretary shall keep minutes of all the Executive Board and general meetings, and shall maintain a listing of names and addresses of all FC members.
B. The Secretary shall advise the FC President in determining the calendar of general meetings, and events to take place, including, but not limited to, contests, clinics, lectures, etc., if any, that will be presented at each meeting.
Section 4: Treasurer
A. The Treasurer shall be responsible for maintaining a balanced budget of FC funds and reporting at least quarterly the status of those funds to the general membership.
B. The Treasurer shall keep an account of revenues and expenses, and present to the FC President a monthly account of FC funds.
Section 5: Newsletter Editor
The Editor of the FC Newsletter is responsible for the publication of the FC newsletter on a monthly basis. The Editor shall be appointed by the FC President and is a member of the FC Executive Board to advise and counsel the Executive
Board, but does not have voting authority. The Editor shall be responsible
for publishing a current roster of FC members at least once per calendar year. All
costs of the newsletter, including mailing, copying, etc., will be covered by the FC
Section 6: Web Master
The Web Master of the FC Internet Site is responsible for the maintenance of the FC website and its content. The Web Master shall be appointed by the FC President and is a member of the FC Executive Board to advise and counsel the
Executive Board, but does not have voting authority. All costs of the web site
will be covered by the FC chapter.
Section 7: Chapter Contact
The Chapter Contact of FC shall be the liaison between FC, IPMS/USA and the Region 4 Coordinator. The Chapter Contact shall be responsible for maintaining information on other IPMS shows, activities, and all other pertinent national news. The Chapter Contact shall be appointed by the FC President and is a member of the FC Executive Board to advise and counsel the Executive Board,
but does not have voting authority.
Section 8: Contest Chairman
The Contest Chairman shall organize and oversee all contests sponsored by FC, and act as Head Judge; shall determine and publish contest judging criteria, modeler classification, and categories to be used for the year, with the approval of the Executive Board. The Contest Chairman shall be appointed by the FC President and is a member of the FC Executive Board to advise and counsel the
Executive Board, but does not have voting authority.
Section 9: Removal of Officers
If, for any reason, the competence of an officer is questioned, it shall be brought up at a FC general meeting, and submitted to the membership for a vote. Fifty one percent or greater of the vote is required to remove an elected officer. Removal of an appointed officer is at the discretion of the Executive Board.
Section 10: Succession of Officers
If, for any reason, an elected officer cannot fulfill their term, the following rules shall govern replacement:
A. President is to be succeeded by the Vice President. A new Vice President is appointed to fulfill the term by the Executive Board.
B. Vice President, Secretary, and/or Treasurer are replaced by an appointee of the Executive Board to fulfill the current term.
Section 1: General Meetings
A. FC has 12 scheduled General Meetings in a year. These meetings will be set by the Executive Board based on the availability of meeting site with advance notice to the general membership as is practical.
B. General meetings are intended to inform FC membership of FC status, upcoming events, and to hold contests, clinics, and lectures to enhance modeling skills and abilities of FC membership, and to encourage camaraderie in the hobby of modeling.
Section 2: Executive Board Meetings
A. Executive Board meetings are scheduled by the FC President and should be attended by all FC Executive Board members. These meetings should not be less than once a quarter.
B. Executive Board meetings are intended to evaluate the status of FC and plan and develop the FC activities and general meetings.
FC general meetings are open to guests of FC, whether the guest is attending with an FC member or not. Guests are not entitled to membership privileges such as voting for Executive Board officers, participating in FC contests, or judging FC contests. They may observe FC activities, clinics, and may participate in FC auctions, raffles, or swap meets.
Section 1: General
FC funds are to be obtained through the membership dues, donations, fund raisers, raffles and other lawful means. They are to be accounted for, and used to the betterment of FC under the direction of the FC Executive Board.
Section 2: Expenditures
Any expenditure of $100.00 or greater must be recommended by the Executive Board and approved by a majority vote (51% or greater) of the membership at a general meeting.
Section 3: Reimbursement
Reimbursement to any person for materials, supplies, or reasonable services, must have the approval of the Executive Board.
In the event of dissolution of FC for any reason, all current funds shall be used to resolve any debt or financial responsibilities of FC. Any remaining funds shall be donated to a non-profit organization at the discretion of the current Executive Board. No member of FC shall inure any funds as private profit.
Section 1: When and How Amendment(s) Can Occur
Amendment(s) to these Bylaws shall take place at an Executive Board meeting at the discretion of the Executive Board. Amendment(s) can be proposed by any adult member in good standing, including Executive Board members.
Section 2: Board Approval of Amendment(s)
A unanimous vote of the elected Executive Board officers shall be required for the submittal of amendment(s) to the FC general membership.
Section 3: Notification of Amendment(s) to Membership
Notice will be given of the Amendment(s) via the monthly Newsletter. Both the Amendment(s) and the date of the vote will be published in the Newsletter. All votes will be taken at a general meeting. The amendment(s) will pass with a majority vote of the members in attendance (51% or greater).
The above Articles I through Articles XI shall be in effect as passed by the general membership as dated on this signature page by the current elected Executive Board after compliance with Article XI Section 3.
Original signed by following:
President John Shimek
Vice President Steve Dottavio
Secretary Rick Slagle
Treasurer Joe Staudt
Date of general meeting, Amendment(s) accepted and passed: Date: May 15,2011
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