T19 GMC 105mm by Dragon
Member John Shimek built this 1/35 scale T19 half-track Gun Motor Carriage by Dragon Models. This model has excellent detail and is a beautiful kit when finished. John states ” While the end product is great for anyone’s model collection, there is some difficulty in getting the rear crew/gun section to sit down on the chassis frame. Some sanding is needed to get clearance on the locating pins to fit the frame and to properly get the crew/gun section to sit level and at proper depth because of such tight clearances in the molds. That was the basic difficulty in building this kit.” Beware of the over zealous amount of sprue contacts that must be cut off and sanded on even the smallest of parts. Over all a great kit. The model was painted with Vallejo and Model Master paints, weathered with oils, pastels, AK Interactive washes and MIG washes. The kit markings are excellent and represent a T19 attached to the 1st Infantry Division, USA when landed in Morocco during WWII. Hope you enjoy.
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