December 2014 Meeting Notice
The December meeting will be at Cutler Realty on Monday, December 15th at 6:30 PM. It will be our Annual Christmas Gala, with food, the 50/50 rafflle. Our January meeting will be held at 6:30 PM on Monday, January 19th at Cutler Realty. Mark your calendars!
Christmas Party
The December meeting will be our annual Christmas party. The club will provide soft drinks, pizza, and paper products; we ask the members to bring side dishes and desserts. There will also be a contest and a 50/50 raffle. Don’t miss it!
This Month’s Contest
This month “Anything Revell” sponsored by member Larry Davis is the theme contest. The club will also be sponsoring a non-theme contest as well.
Annual Dues
It is time once again to renew your IPMS Fame Cities membership. Dues are still just $12.00 per year for an individual, or $14.00 per year for a family. Payment can be in cash or by check made out to “IPMS Fame Cities”. Please turn in the attached form with your payment that was attached in the email notice. See Treasurer Larry McMillan.
Upcoming Demos
If you would like to present a demo, or if you have a demo subject you would like to see presented, talk to one of the officers at the meeting. Odds are, many of the rest of us would be interested, also!
Member Bob Ulrich is our Newsletter Editor and would like for our members to submit items that they can have published. How about that latest build you just finished or a new kit just purchased – write it up and Bob can put it into our newsletter for all to enjoy.
Our web site needs content! Send your photos and other items of interest to John Shimek: Check out the site at
Directions to Cutler Realty:
From the south, take I-77 north to Portage Rd., exit #111. Turn right on Portage and go to the 4th traffic light, which is Pittsburgh Rd. Turn left onto Pittsburgh, and at the next light turn right onto Applegrove. Go about a half mile and Cutler Realty will be on the left before you reach the next traffic light.
Alternate route: Take I-77 north to Shuffel Rd., exit #112. Turn right onto Shuffel Rd., then follow the directions below. Less traffic and fewer lights to deal with.
From the north take I-77 south to Shuffel Rd., exit #112. Turn right onto Shuffel Rd.; when it dead ends turn right onto Pittsburgh Rd. At the next traffic light turn left onto Applegrove. Go about a half mile and Cutler Realty will be on the left before you reach the next traffic light.
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