2014 Monthly Contest Categories
Following is the list of FameCities IPMS contest subjects for the current year. As you can see we have a couple of open months. If you would like to sponsor a contest or present a demonstration of any subject matter, technique , etc, contact one of the officers.
2014 Contest Categories
May – “Build what you normally don’t” sponsored by John Shimek
June – “D Day 70th Anniversary” sponsored by Larry Davis
July – “Then and Now” (your oldest build and a newer build) sponsored by John Shimek
August- “Vietnam Era (1960 – 1975) sponsored by Steve Dottavio
September – “Best USMC Subject” in memory of Ed Kinney
October – “Israeli” sponsored by Rick Slagle
November – “Named after a Person” sponsored by Steve Reisch
December – National Guard sponsored by Ralph Nolan
March – “How I research a subject that I want to build”.
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